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How to train your dragon

Cowell, Cressida
Showing 1 - 12 of 12
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Star rating for How to train your dragon
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
5 stars
Packed with energetic black-and-white drawings and plenty of action, this book tells the boisterous tale of a young heir to a Viking chiefdom who must hunt down the fiercest dragon in the land, but ends up with the smallest, most ornery dragon.
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Star rating for How to be a pirate
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4 stars
Follows the further adventures and misadventures of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third as his Viking training continues and his father leads a stranger and the Hairy Hooligans to the Isle of Skullions in search of a pirate's treasure.
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Star rating for How to speak dragonese
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4.4 stars
Recounts the further escspades of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third as he continues his Viking training during which he escapes from a boatload of Roman soldiers and searches for his kidnapped dragon.
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Star rating for How to cheat a dragon's curse
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
5 stars
Reluctant hero Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III must rescue his best friend, Fishlegs, from the deadly disease Vorpentitis. The only cure is rare and almost impossible to find ... a potato. But where will Hiccup find such a thing?
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Star rating for How to twist a dragon's tale
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
5 stars
Someone has stolen the Fire Egg. Now the volcano on Volcano Island is active and the tremors are hatching the eggs of the exterminator dragons! Can Hiccup return the Fire Egg to the volcano, stop the volcano from erupting, and save the Tribes from being wiped out by the terrible sword-claws of the Exterminators.
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Star rating for A hero's guide to deadly dragons
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4.3 stars
It's Hiccup's birthday, but he must save his dragon, Toothless, from being banished. He sneaks into the Meathead Public Library to steal the Vikings' sacred book, but must brave the Hairy Scary Librarian, the army of Meathead Warriors, and the Driller Dragons.
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Star rating for How to ride a dragon's storm
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4.3 stars
Hiccup, the reluctant Viking hero, has three months, five days, and six hours to discover America, return to Berk, save his father, battle Polar-Serpents, and win the annual Inter-Tribal Friendly Swimming Race.
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Star rating for How to break a dragon's heart
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4.7 stars
Hiccup, stranded with Toothless on the Beach of the Broken Heart and being hunted by an old enemy, faces Ug the Uglithug, Berserks, and Scarers and tries to save Fishlegs from the Beast.
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Star rating for How to steal a dragon's sword
Series Volume:
"A dragon rebellion is coming-filled with the meanest, nastiest dragons in the Archipelago. Razor-wings, Tongue twisters, and Vampire Ghoul deaths are attaching Vikings and seem to be seeking one soul in particular: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third! Only a King can save them ... and only a champion with all of the King's Lost Things can be King. In his adventures, Hiccup has collected quite a few "things" himself. But can a scrawny Viking save...
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Star rating for How to seize a dragon's jewel
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
5 stars
In exile, and hunted by dragons and humans alike, can Hiccup the Viking find the dragon's jewel and save the world from destruction?
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Star rating for How to betray a dragon's hero
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4 stars
"Hiccup is in hiding in the Murderous Mountains with the Company of the Dragonmark, but he is determined to become King of the Wilderwest by defeating the witch's Vampire Spydragons and steal back the King's Things from Alvin the Treacherous"--
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Star rating for How to fight a dragon's fury
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4.5 stars
"The Doomsday of Yule has arrived, and the future of dragonkind lies in the hands of one boy with nothing to show, but everything to fight for. Hiccup's quest is clear ... But can he end the rebellion? Can he prove himself to be king? Can he save the dragons? The stakes have never been higher, as the very fate of the Viking world hangs in the balance!"--